Should You be Learning Korean without Korean Lessons?
Have you been considering learning the Korean language for some time now? You may have come across several websites that offer information on how to learn everything on your own. From textural resources to audiovisual materials, there are numerous sources available to you if you wish to pick up this language. However, in order to learn the Korean language effectively and become truly fluent, it is important to enrol in a Korean language school and receive the necessary education. Here’s why.
1. Legitimate Resources
While there are plenty of online sources to refer to, their legitimacy cannot be confirmed. Some materials may have been prepared by native Korean teachers while others may be put together by students who have chosen to self-learn Korean language. But, not all of them contain the necessary information you need to properly educate yourself. By choosing to learn Korean in a Korean language school, you gain access to the most up-to-date and factual resources.
Korean language schools use textbooks created primarily by Korean universities and Korean language teachers in Korea who have been trained to prepare language learning materials. Aside from textbooks, all other notes and lessons are designed by educators who can accurately deliver and explain information about learning the Korean language. The teachers also hold a Korean Language Teacher’s Licence, certifying that they are qualified to teach Korean.
2. Guidance
Without proper Korean lessons, learning Korean is akin to learning to swim without a float or a swimming coach; you could fail and drown at any time with no one to catch you. When learning Korean on your own, the only resources available are those found online, which may or may not be the most useful. Navigating through questions and mistakes must also be done independently, potentially slowing down your learning progress as compared to having the guidance of a mentor.
In a school, however, Korean teachers can help you with important pronunciation and speaking skills, correct your mistakes immediately, and even answer any questions you may have. Furthermore, if you are revising at home, you may be able to contact your Korean teacher outside of class to seek assistance.
3. Proper Practice
Learning in a school setting with other students who share the same language learning goal allows you to practise speaking Korean with others and learn from them. While practising at home is possible, conversing with others during your Korean lesson is essential for language development. Conversation practice allows you to assimilate your newly acquired knowledge by combining a variety of cognitive skills at the same time. While speaking, your brain creates links between grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary, which strengthens your memory of the language and improves your ability to connect linguistic elements as you form more sentences.
Conversation practice is also important when you learn Korean alphabets because the pronunciation of consonants and vowels cannot be accurately represented by text. It is critical that you practise speaking Korean with other students or with a Korean teacher to become fluent in the language.
4. Zero Lapse in Learning
The curriculum and lessons in a Korean language school are structured in a way that best helps students learn. Content information is strategically presented to enrich students' language learning experiences, without omitting any detail that can help students understand and learn better. In contrast, Korean language learners who choose to self-study and master the entire language on their own may experience gaps in their learning where important information is missed.
Are you interested in learning the Korean language? From basic Korean language lessons for beginners to mastery level classes for advanced learners, ONLYOU Korean Language School offers a variety of programmes in Singapore to help students of all proficiency levels learn the Korean language. Contact us today to find out more about our classes.